There are many different kinds of bugs and insects in the world and those bugs live all over. They inhabit forests, deserts, jungles, swamps and ponds and they can even live inside other animals. From estimates around the world there are about 10 million different species. That adds up to a lot of fun and interesting facts about some of those insects.
Fact No. 1 When it comes to being predator or prey you need special skills to help you survive whether it be trying to find food or trying not to become another animals dinner. That's why praying mantises are effective predators because they are among the few animals which can rotate their heads so they can literally look over their shoulders, which also makes them good at predator avoidance.
Fact No. 2 Some insects are altruistic AND amazing predators at the same time. The tarantula wasp is an insect who lays it eggs right on the food for the larva when they hatch. The tarantula wasp stalks tarantulas; it then comes down on top of the spider stinging it many times. Venom is injected into the spider paralyzing its whole body. Then once the tarantula is paralyzed the tarantula wasp will lay it eggs on top of the dead spider so when they hatch the larva will have fresh food.
Fact No. 3 Size of insects can be helpful or hurtful to an insects ability to survive. A jungle nymph stick is one of the heaviest insects. It measures well over six inches and has an array of thorny spikes on its body. From far away they may look like leafs because of their wide and thin green bodies. Despite their large spikes, in Malaysia a lot of people actually breed the jungle nymphs at home by feeding them guava leaves while making tea out of their droppings.
Fact No. 4 Its hard to believe what life would be like as an insect because sex is so highly competitive even more so than our own human lives. Queen cutter ants only mate once because they can keep the sperm viable for up to fifteen years and produce up to three hundred million offspring. The queens life starts off with wings, until she mates with a male then flies to her nesting place. The wings then fall off and she spends the rest of her life laying eggs. Unfortunately for the males who mate with the queen they soon die afterwards.
Fact No. 5 A lot of people have arachnophobia which is a fear of spiders. Most people have this fear just because they believe a spider can kill them. However of the 35,000 species of spiders only 27 species have been known to cause human fatalities. Some of those fatal bites can come from a Brazilian wandering spider, an Australian funnel-web spider or a black widow spider.
Fact No. 6 Many insects belong in the Guinness Book of World Records. A flea; for example, can jump 130 times its own height. The longest insect is a walking stick which can reach 33 centimeters (12.9 inches). The fastest insect is a dragonfly that has been clocked at 58 kilometers per hour. Flies can taste with their feet. Butterflies and moths are found on all land masses except Antarctica. Ants can carry objects 100 times their own body weight.
As you know insects/arthropods can be extreme in size and abilities. Every insects and arthropods have their own unique skills that allow them to survive in the wild. Whether t be having the ability to jump over your predators head or or the ability to sneak up on prey, all of those traits contribute to their survival and success for reproduction.
"Insect Facts." A Parents Guide to Internet Safety ::Indianchild.com Web. 07 Nov. 2010.
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