There are so many different types of cats from tigers and lions to cheetahs and panthers. So its not surprising to read about the Bobcat who can be found in North America. They are just another form of a cat-like animal. Although they are interesting creatures in their own ways.
According to several sites about Bobcats their length can vary from 25-42 inches and their height can be 20-24 inches. Most Bobcats weigh about 13-24 pounds but a 40 pound Bobcat has been recorded. Although these animals do resemble large cats one thing that is different is their tails. Which only grow to about 8 inches which is how they got their name Bobcat.
Bobcats are very versatile, they live in many different habitats from mountains to prairies and deserts to forests. They do however prefer enclosed areas they don't like open spaces because its less coverage. Also Bobcats are nocturnal hunters meaning they hunt mostly at night. Bobcats are also very territorial males territory ranges of up to 40 sq. miles and females up to 20 sq. miles.
Some facts about them i got from ThinkQuest.com are that Bobcat mothers are extremely protective of their young. They rest in hollow trees and small caves. They are good swimmers but rarely venture into the water. Also the farther north they live the bigger they get.
When it comes to feeding, Bobcats tend to eat rabbits and hares but will hunt deer and domestic sheep if food is scarce. They sneak up on their prey and attack they are very strong fr their size. Sometimes a male will travel up to 25 miles during a night hunt. When food is not available Bobcats can go a long period of time without food.
Unfortunately sometimes the Bobcat is hunted by man for sport and fur. There is a subspecies living in Mexico that is endangered. Although they are hunted the Bobcat is the most common wildcat in USA. As time goes on one can see that their population is resilient to hunters.
When it comes to having young the male is actually the one responsible for feeding them. Even though male Bobcats can have more than one partner. Meaning more than one litter of young to take care of. So male Bobcats provide for all of its young even though it could be as many as 18 kittens. Lastly Bobcats can live up to 30 years in captivity.
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